first visit

Infant/Toddler First Time Visits in Huntington Beach CA

Just like adults,  infants and toddlers also need dental care. You don’t have to wait until a child starts losing teeth before taking them to the dentist. The first time visit to the dentist’s office should actually be as soon as the first tooth emerges or by the child’s first birthday. 

Why Is The First Time Visit So Important?

Proper pediatric dentistry will help your child to enjoy better dental health in the future. Taking your infant or toddler to the first dental visit at the right time is like laying the foundation for optimal dental/oral health. It will also offer lots of developmental benefits to the child in the early stage of life. 

Here are specific benefits of early and regular dentist visit for your little ones:

  • Prevention of tooth decay (which is a problem that affects up to 40% of kids between 2 and 5 years) 
  • Good dental hygiene will help the child grow strong, healthy teeth 
  • The early dentist visits will help the child appreciate the importance of oral health while growing up 
  • It is the first step towards a cavity-free and healthy mouth. 

What to Expect During Infant/Toddler First Time Visit to the Dentist 

The first time visit to the dentist is a very important visit, and these are some of the things to expect:

  • The dentist will review your child’s medical history and listen to any concern you may have 
  • The dentist will examine the child’s mouth for any sign of a problem or to confirm that everything is in order 
  • The dentist will also educate you on how to clean the child’s mouth and help them maintain good oral hygiene. 

Book an Appointment 

Is your infant/toddler ready for the first time visit to a dentist’s office? Book an appointment right here. Our friendly pediatric dentist, Dr. Amit A. Shah, will give your child the best pediatric dental care.